Contact the Board

The procedure described below was put in place to enable shareholders and other interested parties to communicate directly with members of the Board of Directors of 8x8, Inc. You can use this procedure to report concerns (or provide comments, pose questions, etc.) to the full Board, or to the non-management/independent directors of 8x8, or to the lead independent director only.

This procedure is available to shareholders, customers, vendors, partners and any other interested parties.

You may contact 8x8, Inc.'s Board of Directors by either of the following methods:


  1. Complete and submit the on-line form below;
  2. Send a letter to the following address:

    Corporate Secretary
    8x8, Inc.
    675 Creekside Way
    Campbell, CA 95008
    United States

You may submit your concern anonymously or confidentially by mail.

The independent directors of 8x8 have authorized the company’s Corporate Secretary to review, sort and summarize communications submitted to the Board. The Corporate Secretary will distribute communications to the full Board, or to specific directors, as appropriate, depending on the facts and circumstances outlined in the communication.

Certain communications may be excluded from distribution per the instructions of the independent directors. In that regard, the independent directors have instructed certain items which are unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the Board to be excluded, such as:

  • Routine product complaints
  • Product inquiries
  • New product suggestions
  • Resumes and other forms of job inquiries
  • Surveys
  • Business solicitations or advertisements

In addition, communications that are unduly hostile or threatening, or that contain illegal or obscene content, will be excluded from distribution based on the instructions of the independent directors.

Any communication that is excluded shall nevertheless be made available to any non-management/independent director upon request.

You may submit your comment, concern or question using the form below.